
अक्तूबर, 2020 की पोस्ट दिखाई जा रही हैं

financial accounting with tally for pgdca examination (all topics in hindi)

financial accounting with tally for pgdca examination नमस्‍ते दोस्‍तों, मैंने Financial Accounting with tally के बारेे लिखा है जो निम्‍नानुसार है - Creating a company in a Tally Erp9 - Tally Institute Vidisha Some Debit and Credit - Tally Institute Vidisha Banking Related Transactions - Tally Institute Vidisha Capital and Special Entry Transaction - Tally Institute Vidisha Chart of Account Or List of Account in tally ERP9 - Tally Institute Vidisha Discount & Compound Entries and Other Entries - Tally Institute Vidisha Mouse Keyboard conventions & Key and Combinations - Tally Institute Vidisha Switching between screen areas And Quiting Tally - Tally Institute Vidisha Terminology of Accounting - Tally Institute Vidisha Account Types of accunt and Rules of Accounting - Tally Institute Vidisha Tally Screen components in hindi - Tally Institute Vidisha Financial Statement and Financial Statement Analysis - Tally Institute Vidisha Tally Installation Tally Data Directory And Folder Co